If you have the role of Teacher in a manually created Canvas course, you can add users to that course, since all manually created courses reside in an area of Canvas that gives users added permissions. Faculty cannot add users to a course that was created in the automatic process from Colleague.
Here's a link to the Canvas Guide on how to add users. https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-12973-4152724200.
IT recommends using the Search by Email; be sure to search for users' NWCCD email address (they always end in @sheridan.edu). If your search doesn't result in finding the user, ask the user for their NWCCD ID number (everyone has this) and then try searching using the SIS ID option. Only NWCCD account holders can be added to Canvas.
If you search by email address and by SIS ID and are unsuccessful, please create a ticket so that IT can help.